
Recaps & Voices

It’s been 10 days since Berlin Buzzwords 2023 ended and the first recaps and reviews of the event are in. We already shared Anna Gellers daily recaps (Day One | Day Two) with you, but now also want to look at a few posts by other participants of the event.

"Like a return to the old days – but with many new things to discuss"
OSC's Atita Arora – Photo: cc-by-sa 4.0 Jan Michalko

Charlie Hull from OpenSource Connections gives an overview of his visit to #bbuzz and shares a few of his favourite talks – definitely worth a look if you’re unsure where to begin your Berlin Buzzwords catch-up session on YouTube:

Last week the OSC EU team returned to Berlin for one of our favourite events on the calendar, Berlin Buzzwords. This year’s event was busier, happier and definitely focused on search with AI – so what did we learn about what’s hot, what’s not and what’s coming next? 

"Many thoughtful discussions with people from different backgrounds"

Siren’s Stéphane Campinas shares the key take-aways of the Berlin Buzzwords sessions he attended and gives a brief overview of his experiences at the event: 

I have attended many interesting talks and […] had many thoughtful discussions with people from different backgrounds. […] I look forward to 2024 for another great conference!

Stéphane Campinas from Siren – Photo: cc-by-sa 4.0 Jan Michalko
"A fantastic experience, probably my best Berlin Buzzwords so far"
Alessandro Benedetti – Photo: cc-by-sa 4.0 Jan Michalko

The Sease team spoils us with high praise and lots of recommendations of which session recordings we should watch first: Alessandro Benedetti, Ilaria Petreti and Anna Ruggero share their experiences as participants and speakers and each list their favourite talks. Ilaria sums up her personal impressions like this:

The content presented was engaging and covered a wide range of topics. It was a great opportunity to learn from experts in the field and expand my knowledge.
I want to highlight the various networking opportunities at the conference, which have been invaluable. And I really appreciated their dedication to offering vegan choices that align perfectly with my dietary preferences.

"Filled with exciting talks about Large Language Models and neural search techniques"

The team from Vespa focusses on talks about vector search in their recap, but also also offers some more general thoughts on the event itself: 

Berlin Buzzwords is a highly regarded industry conference that brings together experts and professionals from various fields to discuss the latest trends and advancements in storage, processing, streaming, and search. One noticeable aspect of the 2023 edition was the significant emphasis on search-related topics, LLMs role in search, and neural hybrid search.

Jo Kristian Bergum (Vespa) – Photo: cc-by-sa 4.0 Jan Michalko
"One of the most pleasant conference experiences to date"
Ryan Ginstrom & Teo Narboneta Zosa – Photo: cc-by-sa 4.0 Jan Michalko

Mercari’s Ryan Ginstrom and Teo Narboneta Zosa gave a talk about how they successfully established the search ML infrastructure at Japan’s largest C2C e-commerce site. Their blog post:  

[..] summarizes the talk while providing a comprehensive overview of the connections and intersections between Mercari’s ongoing journey integrating AI and the other exciting discussions at Berlin Buzzwords 2023.

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